søndag den 16. februar 2014

Status for the on-line registration / status for on-line tilmeldingen

The on-line registration for Dania Cup 2014 has now been open for 2 weeks, and at this time we have already received so many registrations that we are able to inform you that the on-line registration definitely will be closed on the 3rd of March 2014.
So if you want to be taken into consideration for possible participation in Dania Cup 2014, you HAVE to forward your registration not later than the 3rd of March.

On-line tilmeldingen til Dania Cup 2014 har været åben i godt 14 dage, og på nuværende tidspunkt har vi allerede modtaget så mange tilmeldinger, at vi med sikkerhed kan oplyse, at on-line tilmeldingen vil blive lukket den 3. marts 2014.
Så hvis du ønsker at komme i betragtning til at deltage i Dania Cup 2014, SKAL du fremsende din tilmelding allersenest den 3. marts 2014.

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