tirsdag den 5. juli 2011

Katalog / Catalouge

Kære agilityvenner / Dear agility friends :-)

Efter et par dages kaos, hvor hjemmeside og e-mailkonti har været off-line, er der nu igen forbindelse til Surftown. I venstre side af skærmen er der nu oprettet et menupunkt "Downloads", hvor I kan finde stævnekatalog med deltageroversigt og tidsplaner, tillige med PM for stævnet på dansk og engelsk.

Samtidig er hjemmesiden opdateret med restaurantens menu de enkelte aftener under stævnet. Husk, at aftensmad lørdag (9. juli) og morgenmad (10. juli) kræver forudbestilling pr. mail til mail@daniacup.dk.

Vi glæder os til at se jer alle om nogle få dage :-)

After a couple of days in chaos with our WEB-page and e-mail accounts off-line, the connection to Surftown is re-established. In the left side of your screen we have established a menu named "Downloads", where you can find the competition catalouge including the list of participants and the daily time schedules as well as the PM for Dania Cup 2011 in both Danish and English.

At the same time the WEB-page has been updated with the menu from the restaurant for the different competition days. Please note that dinner (July 9) as well as breakfast (July 10) only will be available upon pre-order via email (mail@daniacup.dk).

We are looking forward to see you in a few days :-)

Mange sommerhilsner / Many summer greetings
Poul Lerche

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